Developing a Series of Scales for Generations' Values in the Age of New Media: Validity and Reliability Study of Uskudar XYZ Generation Differences Scale



In this research, it is aimed to develop a series of scales to determine the changing values and behaviors of different generations in society today, where new media environments are diversifying day by day. In the study, which took into account the generation classification made with the focus of technological tools, generation X was considered as "Radio Generation", Y generation as "Television Generation", generation Z as "Social Media Generation". Thus, the study group consisted of 1083 people classified as generation X (over 45), Y (30 – 45 years old), and Z (15 – 30 years old). 12 independent scales were obtained as a result of validity and reliability studies. These scales are formed in a dimensional structure within themselves, and each scale and subscales are named with appropriate names. The names of the scales revealed in the study are as follows: (1) Organizational Commitment and Authority Scale, (2) Self-Assessment Scale, (3) Friendship Bond Scale, (4) Popular Culture Scale, (5) Impulse Control Scale, (6) Technology Use Scale, (7) Social Norms Acceptance Scale, (8) Multiple Attention Scale, (9) Work Loving Scale, (10) Internal Control Scale, (11) Impatience Scale, (12) Family Values Scale. All scales are valid and reliable. It is hoped that the resulting scales will be used independently by the researchers individually or together as a battery.