Identification of Difficulties in the Consolidation of Research Processes at a Higher Education Institution: A Case Study



Research is one of the three institutional basic functions of the University, and as such, universities that do not consolidate their research processes do not present a good projection in the future. As a multilevel organization, the University must create and strengthen guidelines that transform it into a strategic actor in competitive markets, which makes research a tool to meet the strategic objectives of funding and academic excellence. In Latin America, it is a priority to develop in university students and professors the necessary abilities to enhance research skills. In this exploratory research, a mixed approach in order to investigate the expectations and perceptions of the academic community at Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios-Sectional Bello (UNIMINUTO) with respect to the consolidation of research processes in the institution was applied. Findings prove that the most important situation to evaluate regarding the developed investigative processes in UNIMINUTO is the role being played by the outreach activity of the Research System within the institution, as there is a general lack of students’ knowledge in this regard. Similarly, it was found that professors are familiar with research in their areas but unfamiliar, to some extent, with what happens in terms of research in other fields within the same institution.